Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to you!

We celebrated My Boy's 15th birthday yesterday. He doesn't especially like to eat cake when there is ice cream around. That worked well for me because Lucy Lu was so sick the last couple of days I didn't have time to bake a cake. We just bought Ding Dong's, stuck candles in them and voila!...birthday cake! Thank you to our friends the Maddox's for introducing our family to Ding Dong's.

I tried to get a nice picture of My Boy with his new birthday toy...

...he just wasn't cooperating!

But, never fear, our Buddy, Bill, was there. He managed to coax a little grin out of My Boy. Thank you Bill. What would we have done without you.

Lucy Lu perked up enough to eat a Ding Dong.

Who needs Ding Dong's and ice cream when you can have kisses from Laurie?

I felt so blessed to get a hug from My Boy when the night was over. Of course, I had to threaten him to get it but it was a hug none the less! Oh! Why do they have to grow up?
(The marker all over his arm? Apparantly, on your birthday at Liahona they have marker wars! You should have seen his tummy!)

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