Friday, March 27, 2009

soccer season is here!

Soccer started last week. Our schedule is hectic and I'll only make it to half of everyone's games. That's life when four kids play soccer and two of them are competitive players. We have between 6 and 8 games a week and 7 to 8 trainings a week. My Boy is playing for the Champions Division 1 team and his junior high team. Little Miss is playing for the Champions premier team. Lucy Lu and Master play on recreation teams. They are not quite in to soccer like My Boy and Little Miss are. I am looking forward to games which start next week. They are so much fun. I love to cheer for My Munchkins! The picture in the header is Little Miss when she used to play on a boys team that was a year older. She held her own, believe me! The picture below is My Boy's team that went to the Utah Summer Games and brought home the gold Medal. This picture was taken right after the Gold Medal match. I can't wait to take some pictures this season and get them posted.

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