Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Mom, what's that little green thing?",...

...says Lucy Lu whilst pointing! And guess what! The corn is up!

The carrots have been up for awhile.

As have the radishes.

And the peas.

The strawberries are starting to look promising. Hopefully the birds stay at the bird feeder and don't invade our box of deliciousness.

The blackberries (aka-Daddy's pets) are looking very much alive.

Birdie central is a hopping place. I refill both feeders every other day. The little birdie's wouldn't mind if I refilled the feeders every day, but let's not be greedy!

Our home and yard are really coming together this last little while. We are getting better at gardening this year. We are thinking about getting honeybees. Wouldn't that bee wonderful! My Hero will be working on phase 3 of the 'massive rock wall project' this summer. Maybe by next year we will have our water feature and sculpture in.

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