Friday, May 22, 2009

School's Out for Summer!

Yesterday was the last day of school. Lucy Lu graduated from Kindergarten and will be moving on to first grade with Sister Drake. She will miss her awesome teachers, Brother Broch and Sister Millie. Luckily they will be one door down the hall next year. She can visit them anytime.
Master is moving on to second grade. He jumped from K level reading to 3rd grade 4th month level in 8 months with Sister Drake. He'll miss her this summer but will have her again in second grade this August.(Yes, it is 1st/2nd grades combined. Poor Sister Drake! Master and Lucy Lu at the same time!)
Little Miss will move on to 6th grade and is mostly thrilled that she passed her final math exam and can move on to 6th/7th grade math. I guess she was worried about it because she got a big bad B+ in math and to her that is close to an F. That mean old B+ ruined her straight A status. Little Miss is sad to see Sister Rowley leave and hopes the NEW 5th/6th grade teacher will be as sweet as the OLD one.
Of course, I couldn't get My Boy to pose with his teachers so here he is with Grandma and Grandpa on the last day of school. Can you tell he is completely embarrassed by us dropping in on him during yearbook signing? What good are parents and grandparents if they don't embarrass their kids and grandkids once in a while! My Boy's big accomplishment this year(besides the fact that he didn't fail! he is a smart boy who hates homework!) was being voted 'Most Likely to be Better than Beckham' by his schoolmate's. Watch out 9th grade! Here comes HE-Man!
(OH! NO! I'm going to be mother to a high schooler!)

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