Monday, June 29, 2009

Babies and Thunderbirds

I haven't signed in for a while and now I have 2 more nieces with one on the way. Chelsey(Nolan's wife) had baby Brinlee on May 9th. She is beautiful! Crystal(Eben's wife) had baby Lily on June 14th. Of course, anyone born in June is adorable. Jill's(Walker's wife) little pink bundle is due in about 2 months. I will work on getting pictures. No time right now. Girl's camp next week...lot's of prep to do.

Our last big excursion was to Hill Air Force Base for their air show. It was hot and crowded and I got sunburned but in the end we got to see the Thunderbirds. We sorta got a picture of them. They are my favorite part of the whole show. I wait all day to see them and hear them!
Here is Lucy Lu with My Hero! Don't they look cute!
Here is Little Miss with her best friend Myley. You can tell they loved the show!
After the way My Hero drove to get us there in all of the traffic I am afraid Myley's mom will never let her go anywhere with us again.

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