Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Hike

We stayed home all weekend. The Munchkins said it was boring. My Hero and I thought it was very relaxing and peaceful. To make up for the 'boring' weekend, on Labor Day, we took the munchkins on a hike to Stewart Falls and then out to dinner. It was so much fun. They are all old enough now to hike the whole way alone and to do it rather quickly. Unlike the time we went to Timp Cave and Master started complaining about how tired he was after the first 10 steps on the trail and Lucy Lu had to be carried most of the way.
Here are My Boy and I on our way to the Falls.
The whole clan in front of the falls. We made it!
Little Miss and I at the top of the falls. She was very nervous about the steep climb and cliff on the other side but she was a trooper.
My Boy, Master, Lucy Lu and I at the top of the falls. Lucy Lu has absolutely no fear. She charged right up that steep climb.
It is such a fun family hike. The littlest munchkins were so proud of themselves for going 4 miles all by themselves.

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