Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bridal Veil Falls

On the way to Bridal Veil Falls a couple of weeks ago Master and Lucy Lu had to pose for pictures in front of every tree, rock, hill or stump along the way. They were helping me to break in the new camera.

We had a great little walk to the falls and took some fun pictures. Little Miss and My Boy were not in very good moods and wouldn't let me take many pictures of them. I did get a few of them but they absolutely forbade me from posting them on Facebook if I was going to tag them. I told them most of them would go on the blog and no one looks at the blog anyway, right? I had to snap the next two photos when the munchkins weren't looking!

My Boy finally gave in and posed for a few photos because he loves his Momma so much. The fact that I promised him ice cream later had absolutely nothing to do with his change in attitude!

Of course, Little Miss is way too smart to fall for such traps!

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