Thursday, January 28, 2010

twister, flying, basketball and a cutie pie

Family Home Evening twister was a hoot. The kids laughed and cried and cheated. My Hero realized he is getting old and we were reminded, once again, how sensitive Master can be, especially when tired. Me? Somebody had to spin the little thingy!

Who knew Little Miss could fly?

She is such a tiny little thing that she makes a great one to lift.

My awesome sister-in-law went a million miles out of her way to pick me up and bring me to the game and then drove a million miles out of her way to bring me home after it was over because I am still without a vehicle! Ugh! Love Coach Leatham's stance in this one. (I have no pictures of My Boy playing because he was injured after being in for a couple of minutes and sat out the rest of the game.) But, how is this for cute?

1 comment:

Signe said...

Go Hailey! I wouldn't have expected it.