Saturday, January 3, 2009


I finally did it! I finished reading The Portrait of a Lady. It took forever and seemed very difficult for me. I'm not sure why because I enjoyed it. I didn't LOVE it. I just enjoyed it. The ending was very good. Now, for some odd reason, I am jumping into another long book. Bleak House by Charles Dickens. 881 pages! Why would I do that? Am I insane? Normally, after a 628 page, difficult to read book, I would opt for something shorter and more entertaining. I have been dying to read Bleak House, however. It has been staring at me from my bookshelf while I sat in my chair and read The Portrait. Perhaps this is why I had trouble getting through it. I wouldn't let myself start Bleak House until I was done with the one above. I knew I would like Bleak House better and never finish The Portrait of a Lady. So, I did it! I'm finished and I can move on. I can't wait, and just in time to start the New Year. Happy New Year everyone!

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